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Rocco Baldelli Home Run Log

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  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 2003-04-26    MNA  TOA Victor Zambrano     R tied   0-0  b 1 12-   2  4-9  
    2 2003-05-05    MNA @TOA Travis Harper       R ahead  4-1  t 9 1--   2  6-3  
    3 2003-07-14    MNA @MLA Glendon Rusch       L down   3-5  t 2 ---   0  2-4  
    4 2003-08-13    MNA  NYA Tanyon Sturtze      R down   1-5  b 3 -2-   1  6-5  
    5 2003-08-24    MNA @CHA Freddy Garcia       R ahead  7-0  t 6 ---   1  5-2  
    6 2003-08-28    MNA  TEA Kris Wilson         R ahead  2-0  b 2 -2-   2  5-5  
    7 2003-09-11    MNA @MLA Scott Service       R tied   9-9  t10 --3   2  6-2  
    8 2003-09-13    MNA  DEA Andrew Good         R tied   0-0  b 3 ---   1  6-8  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 2004-04-05    MNA  DEA Mike Maroth         L down   1-2  b 3 ---   2  1-8  
    2 2004-05-05    MNA  MLA Ben Sheets          R down   0-2  b 1 1--   1  2-2  
    3 2004-06-05    MNA @BAA Daniel Cabrera      R ahead  1-0  t 4 ---   2  1-12 
    4 2004-06-06    MNA @BAA Bruce Chen          L down   0-1  t 2 ---   1  5-2  
    5 2004-06-12    MNA @OAA Barry Zito          L tied   0-0  t 2 ---   0  1-9  
    6 2004-07-03    MNA  DEA Matt Hensley        R ahead  6-0  b 7 ---   2  6-8  
    7 2004-07-05    MNA  DEA Nate Robertson      L down   1-5  b 6 12-   1  1-8  
    8 2004-07-15    MNA @KCA Zack Greinke        R ahead  6-0  t 3 -23   2  5-6  
    9 2004-07-26    MNA @CHA Jon Garland         R ahead  1-0  t 3 ---   2  2-2  
   10 2004-08-17    MNA  SEA Jamie Moyer         L down   0-5  b 8 12-   2  5-5  
   11 2004-08-28    MNA @MLA Ben Sheets          R down   3-4  t 5 1--   0  1-12 
   12 2004-09-06    MNA  CHA Mark Buehrle        L tied   0-0  b 1 ---   1  1-10 
   13 2004-09-12    MNA  MLA Ramon Ortiz         R down   1-7  b 7 ---   2  1-8  
   14 2004-09-13    MNA  MLA Wes Obermueller     R ahead  6-3  b 6 -2-   1  5-5  
   15 2004-09-13    MNA  MLA Ramon Ortiz         R ahead  9-3  b 8 ---   1  1-8  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 2006-05-06    MNA @BOA Tim Wakefield       R down   1-2  t 6 ---   2  3-4  
    2 2006-05-18    MNA  TOA Rafael Soriano      R down   1-6  b 9 1--   2  3-10 
    3 2006-06-21    MNA @BAA Jon Lieber          R tied   0-0  t 1 ---   0  3-10 
    4 2006-07-06    MNA  OAA Tomokazu Ohka       R down   0-1  b 6 1--   1  3-4  
    5 2006-07-31    MNA @DEA Roman Colon         R ahead  6-1  t 4 ---   1  3-4  
    6 2006-07-31    MNA @DEA Roman Colon         R ahead  7-1  t 6 ---   0  6-5  
    7 2006-09-08    MNA  DEA James Shields       R ahead  3-0  b 1 -2-   2  3-4  
    8 2006-09-11    MNA  DEA Russ Springer       R down   1-5  b 8 ---   0  3-10 
    9 2006-09-13    MNA @BOA Jason Frasor        R ahead  5-4  t 3 -2-   0  4-11 

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 2008-08-28    PIN  LAN Scott Olsen         L down   2-3  b 6 ---   1  5-9  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 2009-05-16    NYA @MLA R.A. Dickey         R ahead  6-1  t 7 ---   1  3-6  
    2 2009-07-11    NYA  BAA David Price         L ahead  3-1  b 1 --3   2  3-6  
    3 2009-07-13    NYA  BAA Jamie Moyer         L tied   2-2  b 4 1--   0  5-5  
    4 2009-07-13    NYA  BAA Sean White          R ahead  4-2  b 6 ---   1  3-9  
    5 2009-07-16    NYA @MLA Andy Sonnanstine    R ahead  8-1  t 3 ---   0  5-9  
    6 2009-07-17    NYA  TOA David Purcey        L ahead  1-0  b 4 1--   2  3-6  
    7 2009-07-20    NYA  TOA Scott Richmond      R down   1-3  b 5 -2-   0  5-4  
    8 2009-07-26    NYA @TOA Ricky Romero        L ahead  5-0  t 3 1--   0  3-6  
    9 2009-08-03    NYA @BOA Ramon Ramirez       R ahead  9-1  t 7 12-   2  3-9  

Data runs from 1970-present (data from 1970-1972 may be incomplete).

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