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Johnny Ray Home Run Log

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  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1982-04-15    PIN @CHN Porfi Altamirano    R ahead  4-3  t 7 -2-   2  4-4  
    2 1982-04-26    PIN @SFN Fred Breining       R ahead  2-1  t 8 ---   1  2-10 
    3 1982-06-19    PIN @SDN Juan Eichelberger   R ahead  1-0  t 1 -23   2  2-10 
    4 1982-08-13    PIN  MON Bill Gullickson     R ahead  1-0  b 3 ---   0  5-10 
    5 1982-08-13    PIN  MON Bill Gullickson     R ahead  3-2  b 7 ---   1  5-10 

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1983-05-21    PIN  CHN Dickie Noles        R ahead  7-4  b 8 123   1  5-9  
    2 1983-08-05    PIN @CHN Steve Renko         R down   0-2  t 4 1--   0  5-10 

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1984-04-15    PIN @SLN Roy Lee Jackson     R down   1-2  t 7 ---   1  5-4  
    2 1984-05-13    PIN  SDN Eric Show           R ahead  2-0  b 3 ---   2  6-9  
    3 1984-06-08    PIN @CHN Lary Sorensen       R down   1-2  t 3 ---   0  6-5  
    4 1984-07-28    PIN @ATN Pascual Perez       R down   2-5  t 8 -2-   0  6-10 
    5 1984-08-13    PIN  MON Mike Armstrong      R down   0-2  b 7 -23   2  4-4  
    6 1984-08-30    PIN @NYN Charlie Lea         R tied   0-0  t 1 1--   0  5-5  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1985-05-06    PIN @CIN Bob Walk            R ahead  1-0  t 6 ---   1  2-10 
    2 1985-06-03    PIN  LAN Carlos Diaz         L tied   2-2  b10 1--   0  2-10 
    3 1985-06-19    PIN @LAN Jerry Reuss         L down   0-1  t 6 ---   0  2-10 
    4 1985-07-14    PIN  CIN Frank Pastore       R tied   0-0  b 1 ---   1  2-10 
    5 1985-08-08    PIN  NYN Steve Carlton       L ahead  2-0  b 2 --3   2  2-10 
    6 1985-08-17    PIN  MON Jay Tibbs           R down   0-1  b 5 ---   1  6-10 
    7 1985-08-27    PIN  CHN Burt Hooton         R tied   0-0  b 1 ---   0  4-8  
    8 1985-08-27    PIN  CHN Steve Crawford      R tied   2-2  b 8 ---   1  3-12 

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1986-04-21    PIN  ATN Don Aase            R down   6-7  b 9 -2-   2  3-12 
    2 1986-05-05    PIN @CIN Ted Power           R down   7-13 t 6 12-   2  6-11 
    3 1986-05-25    PIN  CHN Mike Witt           R tied   1-1  b 3 ---   1  6-4  
    4 1986-06-25    PIN @ATN Phil Niekro         R tied   0-0  t 1 --3   0  3-6  
    5 1986-07-04    PIN  MON Bryn Smith          R tied   0-0  b 1 ---   1  6-10 
    6 1986-07-05    PIN  MON Tim Burke           R down   4-8  b 9 ---   0  5-11 
    7 1986-07-08    PIN  CHN Mike Witt           R tied   0-0  b 4 ---   0  5-11 
    8 1986-08-19    PIN  SDN LaMarr Hoyt         R down   0-1  b 3 --3   2  6-5  
    9 1986-09-05    PIN @SLN Danny Cox           R ahead  3-0  t 4 1-3   2  5-12 
   10 1986-09-06    PIN @SLN Dennis Leonard      R tied   0-0  t 4 ---   0  6-5  
   11 1986-09-07    PIN @SLN Chris Welsh         L tied   1-1  t 3 -2-   1  3-6  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1987-05-16    PIN @CHN Mike Witt           R ahead  4-3  t 4 ---   2  3-6  
    2 1987-06-08    PIN @CIN Ron Robinson        R down   0-2  t 3 ---   1  3-6  
    3 1987-07-13    PIN @LAN Jay Howell          R down   0-4  t 7 1--   2  3-6  
    4 1987-07-31    PIN  MON Neal Heaton         L tied   0-0  b 1 1--   0  3-6  
    5 1987-08-22    PIN @NYN Mike Scott          R down   1-2  t 7 ---   2  3-6  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1988-04-06    MON @PIN Bob Kipper          L ahead  2-0  t 7 1--   2  1-5  
    2 1988-04-10    MON  ATN Doug Drabek         R down   0-2  b 5 ---   1  1-5  
    3 1988-05-01    MON @NYN Bob Ojeda           L down   0-3  t 7 ---   0  1-5  
    4 1988-05-08    MON @PIN Lee Smith           R down   4-8  t 9 123   1  1-5  
    5 1988-06-04    MON  SDN Dennis Rasmussen    L tied   0-0  b 1 ---   1  1-5  
    6 1988-06-24    MON @NYN Mike Scott          R ahead  1-0  t 5 ---   1  1-5  
    7 1988-07-10    MON  PIN Tom Candiotti       R down   0-6  b 3 1--   2  1-5  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Pitcher             T Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1989-05-09    MON  CIN Tom Browning        L ahead  2-0  b 7 1--   2  1-5  
    2 1989-05-18    MON  SLN Jim Clancy          R down   2-3  b 4 ---   0  4-11 
    3 1989-05-22    MON  PIN Bob Kipper          L ahead  4-0  b 7 123   1  1-5  
    4 1989-07-08    MON @ATN John Smoltz         R down   0-1  t 6 1--   2  6-4  
    5 1989-07-28    MON  LAN Andy Hawkins        R tied   0-0  b 6 ---   1  6-10 
    6 1989-08-04    MON @LAN Al Leiter           L tied   0-0  t 3 -2-   1  1-5  
    7 1989-08-10    MON  ATN John Smoltz         R down   2-6  b 8 ---   0  6-4  

Data runs from 1970-present (data from 1970-1972 may be incomplete).

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