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Heathcliff Slocumb Home Run Log

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  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Batter              B Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1991-04-02    CHN  SLN Pete O'Brien        L down   5-11 t 8 -2-   2  2-11 
    2 1991-06-01    CHN @NYN Howard Johnson      B ahead  6-5  b 7 ---   0  1-10 
    3 1991-06-20    CHN @PIN Orlando Merced      B down   3-4  b 6 --3   1  4-10 
    4 1991-07-03    CHN  NYN Howard Johnson      B ahead  7-2  t 7 123   1  4-11 
    5 1991-08-29    CHN  PIN Barry Bonds         L tied   0-0  t 9 ---   0  1-10 

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Batter              B Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1992-06-17    CHN @ATN Lonnie Smith        R down   5-7  b 8 12-   1  2-6  
    2 1992-09-02    CHN @MON Jeff Bagwell        R ahead  4-1  b 6 ---   0  1-8  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Batter              B Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1994-05-26    MLA @TOA Joe Carter          R down   2-5  b 7 1--   0  2-8  
    2 1994-06-20    MLA  KCA Bob Hamelin         L down   0-9  t 8 1--   0  1-9  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Batter              B Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1995-05-07    MLA  TEA Mickey Tettleton    B down   7-10 t 8 -2-   1  1-5  
    2 1995-05-09    MLA  TOA Shawn Green         L ahead 10-7  t 8 ---   0  3-4  
    3 1995-07-28    MLA  CHA Robin Ventura       L ahead  4-2  t 9 1--   0  1-9  
    4 1995-08-01    MLA  TEA Albert Belle        R ahead  7-6  t 8 --3   2  2-5  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Batter              B Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1996-07-02    CHA  OAA Mark McGwire        R down   9-10 t 9 1--   1  1-6  
    2 1996-08-03    CHA @DEA Raul Casanova       B ahead 10-7  b 9 1--   0  2-11 
    3 1996-08-03    CHA @DEA Tony Clark          B ahead 10-9  b 9 ---   1  2-6  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Batter              B Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1997-07-01    CON  CIN Eddie Taubensee     L down   4-6  t 9 1--   0  2-2  
    2 1997-08-05    CON  FLN Raul Mondesi        R down   0-4  t 5 ---   2  2-4  
    3 1997-08-14    CON  PIN Tony Womack         L down   0-1  t 8 -2-   0  2-6  
    4 1997-08-20    CON  ATN Javy Lopez          R down   2-7  t 7 --3   2  3-5  
    5 1997-09-15    CON  SFN Jeff Kent           R down   3-14 t 9 ---   0  1-2  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Batter              B Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1998-08-15    CON @SFN Randy Knorr         R down   4-12 b 7 1--   0  1-11 
    2 1998-09-07    CON  SDN Darin Erstad        L ahead  6-5  t 8 12-   1  1-10 

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Batter              B Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 1999-05-13    BAA @KCA Bill Spiers         L down   3-9  b 8 ---   2  1-8  
    2 1999-07-02    BAA @TOA Tyler Houston       L down   1-8  b 8 -2-   1  2-4  
    3 1999-08-02    BAA @TOA Willis Otanez       R down   2-6  b 7 1--   0  4-5  
    4 1999-08-18    BAA @CHA Mike Caruso         L down   1-8  b 5 1-3   2  1-9  
    5 1999-09-01    BAA @MNA Marty Cordova       R down   2-6  b 8 ---   2  3-4  
    6 1999-09-06    BAA  NYA Chuck Knoblauch     R tied   6-6  t 9 ---   2  3-4  

  Yr# Date          Tm   Opp Batter              B Score       Inn RoB Out  Roll X Play
    1 2000-05-09    SDN  SLN Mark McGwire        R ahead  6-4  t 8 ---   2  3-5  
    2 2000-07-25    SDN  NYN Chris Turner        R down   3-5  t 7 ---   2  2-4  
    3 2000-08-18    SDN @CON Damian Jackson      R ahead  9-4  b 9 ---   0  3-8  
    4 2000-08-29    SDN @CHN John Flaherty       R ahead  7-1  b 8 ---   0  2-8  
    5 2000-08-29    SDN @CHN Michael Tucker      L ahead  7-2  b 8 1--   1  6-8  
    6 2000-09-05    SDN  SFN Henry Rodriguez     L ahead 10-2  t 8 ---   1  2-6  
    7 2000-09-05    SDN  SFN Ellis Burks         R ahead 10-3  t 9 ---   0  1-10 

Data runs from 1970-present (data from 1970-1972 may be incomplete).

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