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Chicago White Sox Career Leaderboard in Pre-Smiley (Pitchers)  Batters
50 decisions/500 IP required for percentage categories.
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Active players are shown in bold.

Show combined data
Earned Run Average
Hoyt Wilhelm2.428
Ken Heintzelman2.662
Gary Peters2.903
Tommy John3.013
Joel Horlen3.075
Bob Lemon3.160
Van Lingle Mungo3.360
Jack Kralick3.363
Billy Pierce3.408
Johnny Humphries3.441
Billy Pierce187
Bob Lemon179
Thornton Lee131
Ted Lyons107
Van Lingle Mungo106
Early Wynn103
Gary Peters91
Eddie Smith73
Joe Haynes72
Johnny Rigney67
Billy Pierce152
Early Wynn117
Ted Lyons106
Thornton Lee102
Bob Lemon101
Al Smith83
Orval Grove62
Joe Nuxhall62
Johnny Rigney58
Joel Horlen57
Winning Percentage
Gary Peters.6842
Van Lingle Mungo.6752
Ken Heintzelman.6667
Jack Kralick.6452
Bob Lemon.6393
Harry Dorish.6154
Roy Parmelee.5690
Joe Haynes.5669
Thornton Lee.5622
Lou Fette.5616
Games Pitched
Billy Pierce474
Thornton Lee423
Early Wynn387
Bob Lemon369
Joe Haynes363
Hoyt Wilhelm356
Al Smith343
Johnny Rigney271
Ted Lyons269
Van Lingle Mungo245
Games Started
Billy Pierce433
Bob Lemon327
Early Wynn285
Thornton Lee265
Ted Lyons259
Gary Peters172
Van Lingle Mungo171
Joel Horlen167
Eddie Smith165
Turk Farrell149
Complete Games
Bob Lemon105
Billy Pierce76
Van Lingle Mungo64
Thornton Lee61
Ted Lyons59
Early Wynn38
Gary Peters37
Eddie Smith31
Lou Fette28
Joel Horlen28
Games Finished
Hoyt Wilhelm295
Turk Lown159
Joe Haynes150
Clint Brown126
Gordon Maltzberger125
Harry Dorish117
Al Smith108
Ed Roebuck98
Lloyd Brown97
Bob Locker95
Hoyt Wilhelm145
Gordon Maltzberger64
Turk Lown57
Joe Haynes51
Clint Brown50
Harry Dorish48
Luis Aloma38
Earl Caldwell36
Bob Keegan33
Johnny Rigney33
Bob Lemon33
Billy Pierce22
Gary Peters18
Thornton Lee15
Van Lingle Mungo14
Joel Horlen11
Early Wynn10
Turk Farrell9
Ted Lyons9
Johnny Rigney9
Innings Pitched
Billy Pierce3084.3
Bob Lemon2520.3
Thornton Lee2142.7
Early Wynn2117.0
Ted Lyons1900.3
Van Lingle Mungo1395.3
Gary Peters1243.0
Eddie Smith1198.3
Joel Horlen1162.0
Johnny Rigney1155.0
Hits Allowed
Billy Pierce2844
Early Wynn2195
Ted Lyons2194
Bob Lemon2175
Thornton Lee2111
Al Smith1262
Van Lingle Mungo1261
Eddie Smith1171
Johnny Rigney1151
Joe Haynes1141
Home Runs Allowed
Billy Pierce283
Bob Lemon205
Early Wynn180
Ted Lyons157
Thornton Lee138
Turk Farrell122
Ray Herbert118
Joe Nuxhall106
Gary Peters96
Johnny Rigney93
Walks Allowed
Billy Pierce1051
Bob Lemon1005
Early Wynn879
Thornton Lee719
Van Lingle Mungo635
Eddie Smith523
Ted Lyons483
Johnny Rigney430
Al Smith423
Gary Peters418
Pitchers Strikeouts
Billy Pierce2035
Bob Lemon1271
Early Wynn1149
Van Lingle Mungo1051
Thornton Lee1043
Gary Peters875
Turk Farrell693
Ted Lyons693
Johnny Rigney677
Joel Horlen636
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