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Jason Bartlett career similar batters

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Jason Bartlett       2005-2011  7  SS  782  2576  336  680 131  12  26  240  234  449  112  .264  .354
 967  Eddie Mayo           1943-1948  6  2B  705  2529  288  678 101  12  30  266  187  159   24  .268  .353
 965  Tony Scott           1975-1984  9  OF  859  2695  311  707 102  20  20  253  191  389  114  .262  .337
 965  Quilvio Veras        1995-2001  7  2B  771  2756  463  722 133  16  32  239  379  446  160  .262  .357
 965  Bill Knickerbocker   1933-1942 10  SS  712  2539  276  656 115  17  26  246  151  211   26  .258  .348
 964  Billy Sample         1979-1986  8  OF  769  2351  307  624 110   7  38  228  176  243   86  .265  .367
 963  Ken Berry            1964-1975 12  OF  941  2554  310  663 104  12  40  238  147  349   57  .260  .357
 962  Elliott Maddox       1970-1980 11  OF  877  2277  330  612 110  20  17  238  284  296   50  .269  .357
 962  Lyn Lary             1933-1938  6  SS  693  2583  414  673 128  19  18  252  380  285   60  .261  .346
 960  Bob Bailor           1977-1985  9  OF  804  2577  335  713 128  25   9  227  152  168   47  .277  .356
 956  Billy Ripken         1987-1998 11  2B  898  2315  241  613 119   5  23  223  125  299   13  .265  .350

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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