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Geronimo Berroa career similar batters

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Geronimo Berroa      1989-1998  8  OF  671  2431  334  671  92   6 110  389  251  478    7  .276  .455
 977  Willie Aikens        1977-1984  7  1B  628  2268  303  624 104   1 102  386  268  368    1  .275  .457
 969  Jim Leyritz          1990-1999 10  C   813  2248  338  611 101   3 104  360  297  522    3  .272  .458
 968  Dave Nilsson         1992-1999  8  C   775  2516  350  689 131  18 100  396  254  356   15  .274  .459
 965  J.J. Hardy           2005-2013  9  SS  731  2518  368  669 123  15 108  345  197  410    4  .266  .455
 963  Kelly Gruber         1986-1993  8  3B  695  2542  386  703 117  22 107  354  175  395   60  .277  .466
 961  Justin Upton         2007-2013  7  OF  643  2353  342  628 119  17 102  350  219  610   43  .267  .462
 959  Ron Coomer           1995-2003  8  3B  762  2448  294  684 129   5  93  341  164  340    4  .279  .450
 958  Jason Kubel          2004-2012  8  OF  738  2493  337  663 130  12 119  372  200  566    2  .266  .471
 957  Gordy Coleman        1959-1966  8  1B  693  2209  275  575  91   5 111  355  172  269    4  .260  .457
 957  John Jaha            1992-1999  8  1B  685  2331  381  639  95   2 130  405  323  591   14  .274  .484

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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