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Geronimo Berroa career similar players

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Geronimo Berroa      1989-1998  8  OF  671  2431  334  671  92   6 110  389  251  478    7  .276  .455
 961  Justin Upton         2007-2013  7  OF  643  2353  342  628 119  17 102  350  219  610   43  .267  .462
 958  Jason Kubel          2004-2012  8  OF  738  2493  337  663 130  12 119  372  200  566    2  .266  .471
 952  Jeffrey Hammonds     1993-2005 13  OF  819  2473  365  678 143  11  87  351  226  452   41  .274  .446
 952  Jerry Martin         1975-1983  9  OF  777  2302  311  617 115  14  94  338  139  472   37  .268  .453
 951  Bob Cerv             1951-1962 11  OF  767  2194  328  623  92  23 110  377  219  390    1  .284  .497
 950  Pat Mullin           1941-1953  9  OF  813  2349  376  675  91  26 104  374  288  348   19  .287  .481
 947  Gabe Kapler          1999-2009 10  OF  774  2416  324  661 153   9  81  324  202  373   42  .274  .445
 947  Wes Covington        1956-1966 11  OF  902  2382  334  666 110  16 120  443  217  330    5  .280  .490
 945  Hunter Pence         2007-2013  7  OF  787  2857  402  771 143  28 105  381  263  582   21  .270  .450
 945  George Altman        1959-1966  8  OF  760  2344  372  668 110  32  99  363  239  402   32  .285  .486

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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