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Brian Bogusevic career similar batters

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Brian Bogusevic      2011-2013  3  OF  191   496   63  112  17   6  16   51   51  124   20  .226  .381
 989  Alan Knicely         1982-1986  5  C   163   481   53  110  23   1  16   56   56  107    0  .229  .380
 985  Eric Bruntlett       2003-2008  6  OF  153   413   61   95  21   4  11   44   41   93    5  .230  .380
 983  Lucas Duda           2010-2013  4  OF  199   567   61  126  21   4  21   78   69  154    3  .222  .384
 983  Stan Papi            1977-1981  5  SS  197   438   42   97  23   5  12   63   10   85    2  .221  .379
 982  Dewayne Wise         2002-2012  5  OF  181   568   67  125  18   8  20   79   21  108   21  .220  .386
 980  Randy Knorr          1992-2000  7  C   198   509   56  114  21   2  21   73   31  128    0  .224  .397
 980  Robby Hammock        2003-2008  4  C   127   399   37   91  23   2  11   62   31  106    0  .228  .378
 980  Jerry Buchek         1964-1968  4  2B  166   495   41  111  13   2  17   46   20  117    0  .224  .362
 979  George Williams      1995-1997  3  C   208   475   64  112  25   3  12   64   67  116    0  .236  .377
 978  Ron Tingley          1991-1995  5  C   186   480   57  112  40   3   8   63   59  120    0  .233  .379

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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