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Jamey Carroll career similar batters

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Jamey Carroll        2002-2013 12  2B 1156  3302  457  934 136  19   7  312  331  501   54  .283  .342
 968  Wally Backman        1980-1992 13  2B 1089  3213  449  918 149  15  13  253  321  423  114  .286  .354
 960  Greg Gross           1973-1987 15  OF 1223  3280  447  951 114  35  10  326  461  266   24  .290  .355
 952  Jerry Remy           1975-1984 10  2B 1088  3834  479 1043 130  37   8  311  305  354  126  .272  .332
 952  Rick Miller          1971-1985 15  OF 1268  3284  519  926 142  30  31  303  374  506   35  .282  .372
 949  Peanuts Lowrey       1942-1955 12  OF 1153  3498  426  977 149  45  26  343  337  230   51  .279  .370
 946  Don Kolloway         1940-1952 11  2B  959  3323  377  925 145  14  26  332  143  229   50  .278  .354
 943  Rennie Stennett      1971-1981 11  2B 1099  3763  427 1035 144  34  28  320  183  326   64  .275  .354
 941  Bill Spiers          1989-2000 12  3B 1026  3392  469  917 136  44  33  329  337  509  111  .270  .366
 940  Tom Goodwin          1992-2004 11  OF  947  3241  449  873 127  27  17  256  289  539  323  .269  .341
 939  Mickey Morandini     1990-2000 11  2B 1055  3700  498  983 161  41  20  345  365  571   65  .266  .348

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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