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Jorge Fabregas career similar batters

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Jorge Fabregas       1994-2002  9  C   576  1759  153  415  82   5  19  162  112  231    2  .236  .321
 979  Paul Bako            1998-2009 12  C   623  1840  178  437  92  11  17  161  168  490    5  .238  .327
 976  Larvell Blanks       1972-1980  7  2B  539  1745  172  425  60  12  19  177  122  196   19  .244  .324
 975  Brendan Ryan         2007-2012  6  SS  559  1716  186  401  68  18  15  125  168  279   44  .234  .321
 974  Fred Kendall         1971-1978  8  C   525  1651  126  404  60   8  19  171  130  163    1  .245  .325
 974  Einar Diaz           1998-2005  8  C   567  1609  146  391  82   9  19  157   69  168    9  .243  .341
 973  Matt Walbeck         1993-2002  9  C   630  1727  168  410  75   6  29  204  119  255   10  .237  .338
 973  Tomas Perez          1995-2005  9  2B  552  1474  159  353  71  10  13  134   99  263    5  .239  .328
 973  Hosken Powell        1978-1983  6  OF  565  1754  210  419  68  22  13  173  155  183   43  .239  .325
 972  Eddie Miksis         1944-1958 13  SS  692  1976  182  471  76   4  22  182  114  216   31  .238  .314
 972  Chris Cannizzaro     1962-1974  9  C   643  1672  139  406  65  10  17  135  206  316    0  .243  .324

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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