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Desmond Jennings career similar players

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Desmond Jennings     2011-2013  3  OF  199   729   85  181  26   7  17   78   76  173   24  .248  .373
 988  Curt Ford            1986-1989  4  OF  227   644   79  159  25   8  13   76   46  106   26  .247  .371
 982  Midre Cummings       1993-2004  8  OF  236   737   91  185  31   7  19   82   69  131    1  .251  .389
 981  Joe Wallis           1975-1978  4  OF  254   693   95  176  30  10  10   79   82  123    3  .254  .369
 977  Bubba Morton         1961-1969  7  OF  335   691   93  175  22   8  17   92   86  104    2  .253  .382
 976  Bobby Gene Smith     1957-1962  5  OF  360   740   86  189  32   3  16   86   30  113    9  .255  .372
 975  Manny Jimenez        1962-1968  5  OF  237   494   51  123  18   0  15   62   23   50    0  .249  .377
 974  Dave Marshall        1968-1973  6  OF  345   851  101  207  39   5  21   88   83  191    6  .243  .375
 974  Wayne Comer          1969-1970  2  OF  195   559   79  133  16   0  19   63   78  107   24  .238  .369
 974  Mitch Maier          2008-2012  5  OF  218   593   72  144  25  11   8   71   51  145    6  .243  .363
 972  Ruben Mateo          1999-2004  6  OF  254   791   84  199  38   3  12   78   31  158    5  .252  .353

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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