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Eddie Kasko career similar players

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Eddie Kasko          1957-1966 10  SS  968  3103  335  825 123  11  19  229  235  327   24  .266  .331
 958  Cesar Izturis        2001-2012 12  SS  973  2923  315  744 133  31  13  257  153  301   58  .255  .335
 949  Ricky Gutierrez      1993-2003 11  SS  969  3007  358  830 104  23  35  283  243  476   29  .276  .361
 948  Jason Bartlett       2005-2011  7  SS  782  2576  336  680 131  12  26  240  234  449  112  .264  .354
 943  Nick Punto           2003-2012 10  SS  974  2580  344  646 125  32  14  232  278  553  121  .250  .340
 942  Skeeter Newsome      1936-1947 11  SS  968  2946  293  739 120  16   3  262  189  198   53  .251  .305
 942  Ryan Theriot         2006-2012  7  SS  789  2835  379  794 119  19  14  282  250  347   88  .280  .350
 940  Buddy Kerr           1943-1951  9  SS  851  2809  292  688 112  17  22  256  205  255   20  .245  .320
 939  Gary Disarcina       1991-2000 10  SS  917  3088  358  839 165  24  30  295   98  257   25  .272  .370
 937  Marty Perez          1971-1977  7  SS  819  2631  262  653 102  19  26  226  201  313    9  .248  .331
 934  Lyn Lary             1933-1938  6  SS  693  2583  414  673 128  19  18  252  380  285   60  .261  .346

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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