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Mickey Livingston career similar batters

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Mickey Livingston    1941-1949  8  C   473  1291  114  313  54  12  23  151  120  124    9  .242  .356
 979  Dioner Navarro       2005-2013  9  C   450  1367  140  326  63   6  24  151   94  216    4  .238  .346
 979  Jim Gosger           1965-1973  6  OF  558  1314  154  316  65  13  24  135  131  220   14  .240  .365
 977  Phil Roof            1966-1975  9  C   464  1208  111  293  35  12  33  139  121  269    6  .243  .373
 976  Jake Gibbs           1965-1971  7  C   512  1452  146  350  55   6  33  177   89  197   25  .241  .355
 975  Jeff Branson         1992-1998  7  3B  539  1466  159  361  69  11  24  158   99  279    4  .246  .357
 975  Darrel Chaney        1969-1979 10  SS  529  1350  138  323  51  14  19  136  145  234    4  .239  .340
 975  Chico Salmon         1964-1970  7  SS  543  1260  127  311  61   7  18  117   72  173   27  .247  .349
 975  Scott Leius          1990-1995  5  3B  424  1405  173  339  63   6  31  149  154  235   16  .241  .361
 973  Lenn Sakata          1977-1987 10  2B  454  1130  142  268  46   3  29  121  110  122   15  .237  .360
 973  Ray Coleman          1947-1952  5  OF  467  1518  187  369  59  24  19  125  118  159   17  .243  .351

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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