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Mickey Livingston career similar players

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Mickey Livingston    1941-1949  8  C   473  1291  114  313  54  12  23  151  120  124    9  .242  .356
 979  Dioner Navarro       2005-2013  9  C   450  1367  140  326  63   6  24  151   94  216    4  .238  .346
 977  Phil Roof            1966-1975  9  C   464  1208  111  293  35  12  33  139  121  269    6  .243  .373
 976  Jake Gibbs           1965-1971  7  C   512  1452  146  350  55   6  33  177   89  197   25  .241  .355
 972  Ben Davis            1999-2004  6  C   402  1216  151  290  64   3  28  146  113  304    3  .238  .365
 970  Frank House          1951-1959  7  C   564  1508  140  363  52   6  32  176  113  132    3  .241  .347
 970  Lenny Webster        1989-2000 10  C   483   994  104  238  48   1  26  123   79  160    1  .239  .368
 969  Gary Bennett         1998-2007 10  C   475  1335  127  311  55   0  27  142   80  203    3  .233  .335
 969  Jerry McNertney      1964-1972  8  C   373   996   96  241  37   6  22   83   80  144    0  .242  .357
 968  Bob Scheffing        1941-1951  8  C   444  1344  117  344  45  10  17  146   99  133    7  .256  .342
 967  Mike Ryan            1965-1974 10  C   461  1107   97  254  44   9  27  136   62  183    1  .229  .359

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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