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Rich Morales career similar batters

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Rich Morales         1969-1974  6  2B  340   865   56  175  29   3   7   72   54  146    0  .202  .267
 984  Peter Bergeron       1999-2002  4  OF  298   831  104  168  31   8   2   58   67  180    9  .202  .266
 981  Dave Rosello         1973-1981  8  2B  303   769   82  152  24   1   8   54   77  150    0  .198  .263
 980  Jose Valdivielso     1955-1961  5  SS  354   966   90  192  29   6   5   86   85  148    6  .199  .257
 978  Mickey Grasso        1950-1953  4  C   313   885   47  175  29   2   3   84   53   97    1  .198  .245
 972  Luis Gomez           1975-1981  7  SS  362   832   73  175  23   5   0   56   69   91    1  .210  .250
 971  Brandon Crawford     2011-2013  3  SS  197   672   53  132  28   3   8   63   48  173    1  .196  .283
 969  Bobby Cox            1968-1969  2  3B  210   651   60  132  18   3  11   53   55  144    1  .203  .290
 968  Glen Stewart         1943-1944  2  C   221   722   46  153  24   5   0   50   54  118    0  .212  .259
 968  Fernando Gonzalez    1973-1979  5  2B  293   784   65  167  26   4   9   80   35   90    6  .213  .291
 967  Paul Janish          2008-2012  5  SS  164   518   44  107  17   0   5   36   52   81    0  .207  .268

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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