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Jim Pagliaroni career similar players

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Jim Pagliaroni       1960-1969 10  C   812  2124  234  516  88   5  63  282  262  422    2  .243  .378
 966  George Mitterwald    1969-1977  9  C   743  2248  233  519  89   5  69  264  150  536    5  .231  .367
 964  Ken O'Dea            1935-1946 11  C   743  2064  240  522  92  18  42  265  239  250   13  .253  .376
 963  Kurt Suzuki          2007-2013  7  C   698  2248  239  553 112   3  52  265  155  297    3  .246  .368
 958  Chad Kreuter         1988-2002 14  C   761  2109  232  493  95   4  49  237  292  521    1  .234  .352
 955  John Ellis           1969-1981 13  C   739  1971  191  497  80  13  56  226  159  325    4  .252  .391
 955  Les Moss             1946-1957 12  C   686  1974  205  473  68   5  51  229  242  331    0  .240  .357
 955  Pat Borders          1988-2005 13  C   772  2404  238  577 129  17  47  270  126  404    3  .240  .366
 955  Andy Etchebarren     1966-1977 12  C   900  2404  224  580 105  12  46  284  201  514    4  .241  .352
 954  Scott Servais        1991-1999  9  C   729  2121  233  537 128   2  62  263  137  361    2  .253  .403
 954  Rick Wilkins         1991-1998  8  C   745  2191  250  537 117   8  79  265  270  583    9  .245  .414

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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