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Ronny Paulino career similar batters

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Ronny Paulino        2006-2012  7  C   488  1296  133  349  58   1  22  175  108  223    2  .269  .367
 983  Bill Brubaker        1936-1943  6  3B  460  1333  161  357  59   9  22  157  129  261   20  .268  .375
 977  Biff Pocoroba        1975-1983  9  C   450  1148  114  312  63   0  15  124  134   77    2  .272  .366
 976  Ryan Hanigan         2008-2012  5  C   477  1062  130  284  36   1  21  131  134  142    0  .267  .363
 976  Craig Shipley        1987-1998  9  2B  451  1343  144  365  67   9  18  153   28  184   16  .272  .375
 976  Terry Whitfield      1975-1985  7  OF  493  1179  129  306  67   4  17  150   82  189    3  .260  .366
 975  Luis Lopez           1993-2002  8  2B  503  1298  175  347  77   6  15  120   83  244    7  .267  .371
 974  Jack Burns           1933-1936  4  1B  422  1180  153  323  59   3  21  153  100  123    7  .274  .382
 973  Duane Josephson      1966-1972  7  C   450  1406  140  376  56   5  32  153   63  174    7  .267  .383
 972  Walt Williams        1967-1975  9  OF  503  1211  147  327  48   4  28  151   57  134   26  .270  .386
 972  Bruce Edwards        1946-1955  8  C   483  1488  170  397  58  19  16  202  185  155    8  .267  .364

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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