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J. Saltalamacchia career similar batters

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      J. Saltalamacchia    2007-2013  6  C   354  1129  149  272  58   5  54  177  113  382    0  .241  .445
 982  Josh Phelps          2002-2007  5  1B  310  1050  136  256  56   1  53  154   84  340    1  .244  .450
 977  Eduardo Perez        1994-2006 12  1B  409  1107  184  271  68   2  53  191  141  233    7  .245  .453
 977  Matt Joyce           2008-2013  6  OF  367  1191  164  279  63   7  60  153  147  318   12  .234  .450
 972  Laynce Nix           2003-2012  7  OF  391  1216  162  302  88   6  46  168   71  353    2  .248  .444
 971  Matt LeCroy          2000-2006  7  C   425  1147  140  283  62   1  47  176   83  288    0  .247  .425
 969  Al Ferrara           1966-1970  4  OF  434  1137  128  292  40   8  53  175  114  249    0  .257  .446
 968  Bill Schroeder       1983-1990  8  C   443  1065  119  270  47   0  53  149   68  299    5  .254  .447
 968  Melvin Nieves        1993-1998  6  OF  302  1019  139  233  56  13  50  168  103  370    6  .229  .456
 967  Wily Mo Pena         2003-2007  5  OF  350  1003  129  238  35   4  48  149   77  362    1  .237  .424
 965  Clyde Vollmer        1947-1954  7  OF  496  1127  145  292  49   3  54  178  127  219    1  .259  .452

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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