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Norm Zauchin career similar players

Totals given below are complete career totals for all players.

Career totals for these players

 Sim  Player               From  To Yrs Pos   G    AB    R    H   2B  3B  HR  RBI  BB   SO   SB   BA    SLG
      Norm Zauchin         1955-1959  5  1B  288   690   69  159  21   4  26   82   73  160    1  .230  .386
 971  Len Matuszek         1983-1986  4  1B  263   509   71  120  29   4  16   85   92  125    6  .236  .403
 969  John Mayberry, Jr.   2009-2013  5  1B  257   619   71  143  26   0  31   97   44  153    4  .231  .423
 968  Hee Seop Choi        2002-2005  4  1B  208   662   99  154  34   5  27   84   78  189    0  .233  .421
 967  Justin Smoak         2010-2013  4  1B  273   895   89  199  33   1  38  117  101  208    4  .222  .389
 961  Mark Johnson         1995-2001  4  1B  253   653   86  157  40   1  25   90   89  170   10  .240  .420
 960  Jack Graham          1946-1949  2  1B  197   645   80  141  23   0  34   93   74  107    0  .219  .412
 958  Bob Speake           1955-1958  3  1B  246   653   79  156  24  15  24   89   63  136    5  .239  .432
 954  Marv Blaylock        1955-1956  2  1B  198   486   72  122  16   9  10   62   70   90    7  .251  .383
 953  Don Hurst            1933-1934  2  1B  196   655   74  170  28   4  15   97   47   46    5  .260  .383
 952  Wayne Belardi        1953-1956  3  1B  174   409   52   91  11   4  20   67   41   77    0  .222  .416

Explanation of Similarity Scores

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