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Rodney Myers
Rodney Luther Myers

Bats Right, Throws Right
Height 6' 1", Weight 200 lb.
School Wisconsin

MLB Debut April 3, 1996
Final Game June 1, 2004
Born June 26, 1969 in Rockford, IL (age 54)

Pitching   Glossary     Home Run Log       Vs. All Batters
Select Year:   
 Year Ag Tm  Lg  W   L   Pct   G   GS  CG  GF  SV SHO   IP     H   BFP    R   ER   HR  BB  IBB HBP  SO   WP BK  ERA
 1996 27 CHN NL   2   2  .500  49   0   0  23   2   0   70.2   64   302   30   23   5   32   3   2   59   3  2  2.93  
 1997           [Did not play]
 1998           [Did not play]
 1999 30 LAN NL   0   1  .000  19   0   0   8   5   0   38.0   41   158   13   12   2    8   0   1   34   0  0  2.84  
  2 Seasons       2   3  .400  68   0   0  31   7   0  108.2  105   460   43   35   7   40   3   3   93   3  2  2.90
   With CHN       2   2  .500  49   0   0  23   2   0   70.2   64   302   30   23   5   32   3   2   59   3  2  2.93
   With LAN       0   1  .000  19   0   0   8   5   0   38.0   41   158   13   12   2    8   0   1   34   0  0  2.84
 MLB Totals       7   5  .583 167   1   0  43   1   0  241.2  265  1070  151  135  28  110   6  13  161  12  1  5.07
 Categories in which this player led his league are indicated in red.

Miscellaneous Stats
 Year Ag Tm  Lg  %L  RC  RC/27 SOp RnSup  AB   H   HR  AVG   E   XTC  XTO  XPct  OSB  OCS SBPct  OPS Star 
 1996 27 CHN NL  49   34   4.4   3          1   1   0 1.000   2    1    1 1.000   14    3  .824  -54   
 1997           [Did not play]
 1998           [Did not play]
 1999 30 LAN NL  50   18   4.3   5          5   1   0  .200   0    0    0  .000    1    0 1.000 -121   
  2 Seasons           52   4.3   8          6   2   0  .333   2    1    1 1.000   15    3  .833  -77   0

HOF Standards: Pitching - 0.0 (Average HOFer ~ 50)
HOF Monitor: Pitching - 0.0 (Likely HOFer ~ 100)

Draft History

Transaction History

Similar Pitchers

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  1. John Costello (990)
  2. Rich Croushore (987)
  3. Ben Flowers (986)
  4. Alex McColl (982)
  5. Charlie Kerfeld (980)
  6. Mike Trujillo (978)
  7. Don Kaiser (973)
  8. Scott Atchison (971)
  9. Stew Cliburn (971)
  10. Brent Gaff (971)


 Year  Tm    Record  Manager(s)
 1996  CHN   84-78   Tom Edwards, Dennis Schimmel
 1999  LAN   84-78   Billy Vanson

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